Talent and Enrichment
Cross-Curricular Links:

Cross-curricular learning involves establishing patterns of information between different academic subjects. It allows for more inter-connected lessons that capture your students' imagination. It also enables them to identify patterns of information between subjects that will help to enforce key knowledge. Good cross-curricular learning can involve a wide variety of different subjects, but it more usually relies upon links between only a couple of key subjects. Cross-curricular learning involves creating links between subjects. This is a very important aspect of Cambridge pedagogy and its implemented very well at Rockwoods International.
This offers a creative way to develop children's knowledge, skills and understanding while motivating them to learn through stimulating, interconnected topics. ... It also gives teachers opportunities to encourage active enquiry, taking the initiative, and discussion and debate by children.

At Rockwoods International, co-curricular activities are integrated and blended well in the classroom situations. To ensure the same, we have a concept of PD- Personality Development. For all-round development of a student, we at Rockwoods have a dedicated PD lesson everyday where a student can choose any activity of his choice.